Join us to make a positive impact in the lives of people forced to flee

We work around the clock to protect and assist refugees all over the world. In Africa, five countries alone hosted 4.1 million (or 65%) of the region’s refugees, and around 20% of the global refugee population. Conflict and other triggers, such as environmental degradation, are the key contributors in maintaining situations of forced displacement around the region They need to be protected. They need shelter, access to clean water, health care, education, and jobs. They need a fair chance. With your help, ARN and its RLO’s can give refugees what we’d want for ourselves and our loved ones. Protection from harm. Advocate for inclusion and meaningful participation of RLO’s and refugees in decision making tables and policymaking processes on matters affecting their day to day lives. The hope of a better future. But we can’t do it without your support. Please give what you can to help refugee families rebuild their lives.
Monthly gifts

Help us save more families forced to flee. You can help refugees rediscover hope for a brighter future by giving a regular monthly donation to ARN. This will assist refugees with continuing protection and relief.

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