About ARN

About aRN

The African Refugee-Led Network (ARN) is a coalition of refugee-led organizations (RLOs) that work to amplify the voices and advocate for the rights of refugees in Africa. The network was formed in 2019 when Global Refugee-led Network (GRN) convened 72 refugee leaders (from 14 nationalities living in 11 different host countries) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the aim of advocating for increased refugee participation in policymaking in Africa through advocacy for improvements in the lives of refugees and to contribute to policymaking discussions and refugee response work on the continent. 

The African continent continues to host a considerable proportion of refugees, with the number of refugees almost tripling over 10 years. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) 2023 planning figures, forty-four million people in sub-Saharan Africa are displaced, up from 38.3 million at the end of 2021. Most (60%) are IDPs. Africa hosts three-quarters of all new internal displacements. Over the years, the search for participation and inclusion of refugees in decision making processes has been an agenda among the refugee led organizations.

The ARELON Guiding Principles

Rights Based: We believe in human rights call on governments to identify and address discrimination in all its forms –regardless of intent. 

Equality and Equity: We believe in achieving equality in outcomes for all, regardless of economic, racial or gender status, ethnic origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or other status. Also, people have full and equal access to opportunities that enable them to attain their full potential.

Participation and Inclusion: We believe all stakeholders should have a voice in making and evaluating law and policy, engage in decision making, be involved and sit in tables of decision making. 

Accountability & Transparency: We believe in integrity, openness and accounting for resources.